War of Drekis

Chapter 17:

Battle Cry

-----The path leading to Drekis’ hive began to descend deeper into the core of Khazan. Around each corner the heroes and their estranged Marauder allies discovered more rocky slopes that probed the darkness below; before long the group found themselves marching down spiraling stairways of bedrock with no end in sight.
-----By now the work of the deminite workers was visible everywhere; the entire foundation of the natural stairway and the surrounding walls were made entirely out of the elusive darkstone material. Even without the Unsubtle’s confirmation of their location, it was obvious that the Drekis hive was nearby.
-----And yet, there had been very little resistance in the last few hours. The various members of the fellowship were divided on the reasons for the lapse in defense, especially after the relentless shows of force that they had been encountering.
-----The Unsubtle and Cortelloni were certain that Toc Darkone’s demonstrations scared the lesser minions away; Uberman and Captain Khazan believed that Drekis had merely been trying to buy time for something, and that he had succeeded; Lexington, meanwhile, theorized that the entire throng of minions were gathering at the hive entrance to give them one giant salutation.
-----“Do you think this creep built his base deep enough in the nexus?” Lexington groaned. He dug several fingers beneath his headband and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The caves weren’t extremely hot, but they were murky and muggy like a jungle swamp.
-----“I suppose he would have to if he wanted to escape notice,” Captain Khazan responded. “A lot of thrill seekers go into the Endless Caves from time to time; they like to see who can go the farthest and come back alive to tell about it. If the Drekis Empire wanted to avoid detection, they’d set up their base where no Khazanian would dare to go if they didn’t have to.”
-----Uberman stopped as a chunk of the stairway broke beneath his left foot; his leg fell through the large crack momentarily, but he was in no danger of falling through. A sharp cracking sound immediately resounded through the tunnel.
-----“That was from below,” Uberman said as he regained his footing.
-----“That chunk that broke off…” Lexington exclaimed, “If it hit the bottom that quickly…” With a quick motion of his fingers he drew the Swift Rune beneath his headband and flipped over the edge of the stairs.
-----“Lexington wait!” Lara shouted, but Lex had already taken off. She sighed as she watched his figure disappear into the chasm. “My God…always so headstrong.”
-----A pair of impacts was heard below. “It’s only twenty to thirty feet to the bottom,” Lexington’s voice roared, “Solid ground, and not a stairway in sight! I love it!”
-----“He jumped thirty feet just like that?” Tim pondered.
-----“Was he even sure that it was safe?” Raea interjected, directing her arm-light down the chasm. “We could have checked it out with the lights before he jumped.”
-----Lara shook her head with a crooked smile. “Yeah, that’s Lex for you,”—she glared down the pit and shifted her eyes around until she found Lex’s darkened face staring back at her—“you know you could have been jumping into an enemy trap!”
-----“Good, then I’d have something to do,” Lex laughed. “It’s been boring since they stopped sending cannon fodder our way. Now stop moping around up there; there isn’t anything dangerous around, so let’s start moving!”
-----Everyone regrouped at Lexington’s location, which, as he promised, was an area of solid ground with no stairs or slopes. Instead, a single gaping archway in the wall led into the next chamber.
-----“Well, it’s no mystery now,” The Unsubtle declared. “From here on out we should be less than a mile from the hive.”
-----“Finally,” Cortelloni groaned. “How long have we been parading down these damn caves anyway?”
-----“Hours…but I’ve lost track of the time,” Uberman said. “Including the rest breaks we took along the way, I’d say we’ve spent a good six hours down here.”
-----“More than that,” Raea corrected him. She glanced at chronometer on her suit, “I’m afraid it’s been eight hours; it’s almost dawn.”
-----No one was really surprised by the loss of time, though it was infuriating nonetheless. The Unsubtle may have been able to locate the hive through her sharp memory of direction, but that didn’t make the trek any less time consuming. They had descended much farther into the Endless caves than they had anticipated, and along the way they had encountered a number of minions in the first few hours that slowed their descent.
-----They entered the next room and stopped as soon as they cleared the entrance. Robert, Raea, and Telissa scanned the chamber with their lights; the illuminating streams highlighted an open, flat cavity with a smooth floor of darkstone. To the right of the group the cavernous room extended, but to the left there was yet another chasm, a pit with no clear method of descent.
-----“Don’t tell me we have to start going down again?” Tim said, walking up to the edge and staring into the depths.
-----“Not all of the minions are capable of flight,” Shinsuke explained, looking at the stalactites that adorned the ceiling, “so any pit would have some sort of stairway down. I say we keep moving forward.”
-----“There’s something up ahead; looks like another doorway,” Telissa said, shining her light towards the distant object. “Scanners indicate a large amount of biological activity ahead.”
-----“Then we’re here!” Tim said excitedly. His brisk hand found the hilt of his sword as he ran forward. The excitement was beginning to take control of him again; a strong sensation carried him towards the door without fear or thought.
-----“Tim, stop right there!” Uberman ordered.
-----Something inside of Tim’s brain seemed to snap, sending a strange mixture of pleasure and pain through his skull. He dug his heels into the ground, expecting to skid to a halt, but the darkstone would not break beneath his weight and instead he slid off of the silky surface and crashed head first into the ground.
-----“What does that kid think he’s doing?” Lexington wondered. “If he charges in like that, he’s just gonna get killed.”
-----“You’re one to talk,” Lara retorted, looking at Lex with narrowed eyes.
-----Uberman picked Tim off of the floor with one hand and forcefully removed the young Sentinel’s grip from the hilt of the sword. “Tim, what is going on?”
-----“What do you mean?” Tim panted. It had been a few hours since the last battle, but he felt as if he had been fighting for days. “I thought this is what we had been waiting for.”
-----“We didn’t come down here to launch a suicide run.” Uberman stressed. “And you know that…or at least you did. I don’t know if you’re the same person that I accepted into the SLJ.”
-----“Sir, please…” Raea pleaded, meekly holding a hand out. She knew that Uberman had reasons for being concerned, but she didn’t want Tim’s pride to be hurt by harsh treatment. After all, he didn’t have much pride at all; all he had was belief in himself, and she wanted to make sure that that never wavered.
-----“You are different,” Uberman continued, “partially for the better. You’re more powerful now, more dangerous, and more skilled. But I’ve also noticed an inhuman drive in you; you’re more reckless, more eager to jump into a dangerous situation.”
-----“I…I’m,” Tim tried to find the words to defend himself, to prove himself, but he could find nothing. His original thoughts began to return, and suddenly he saw the foolishness of his rash actions. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what…what I was thinking.”
-----“I know,” Uberman said, “It isn’t natural, that much I can tell. Something about you sword, these caves…I don’t know exactly what it is, but you’ve been affected by it.”
-----“The queen did specify that he should be a part of this group,” Toc interjected. He slowly moved his fingers through his small beard as he stared at Tim’s sword. Even while sheathed the blade was glowing; a pulsating light was scratching against the inner surface of the casing, threatening to break the sheath with its power. “I wonder, is it really the sword, or is it him? Does he affect the sword somehow?”
-----“I told you to stop with your theories Toc,” Lex spat out.
-----“Stop addressing the Marauder leader so casually!” The Unsubtle shouted.
-----“I’ll call him whatever I want to.”
-----Toc ignored their quarrel and walked over to Tim and Uberman. “Certainly there must be a connection between this welp and the Drekis legions. But Miss Relissan was hesitant to inform us of that connection. That can only mean that something serious is going on—a buried secret, a conspiracy perhaps, or something that goes beyond the minds of mortal men.”
-----“Stop it!” Tim snapped. “This sword belonged to my father. It’s our family weapon, and that’s all there is to it.”
-----“Regardless,” Uberman broke in, “I want you to stay behind in this chamber while I lead the team in. Stay here, calm down, and come to terms with exactly what you’re trying to do down here. Remember, being a hero requires patience as well as action…caution as well as bravery.”
-----“Useless,” Toc uttered, he walked away from the two with his hands folded behind his back, “If you people actually knew anything about bravery—about action, then this world wouldn’t be doomed to the void.”
-----“Don’t listen to him,” Uberman warned, pointing his finger at Tim, “Stay in this chamber and listen for orders. If we need back up, we’ll call you. Raea! You’ll stay here with Tim and keep an eye on him; I don’t want to leave anyone alone down here.”
-----A cold chill suddenly filled the room; a light tremor rocked the foundation of the chamber, and a loose stalactite broke away from the ceiling, landing far away from the group.
-----Shinsuke stretched his feet out to shoulder-width and took a defensive stance. “We’re not alone here,” he whispered. “Something’s here with us—watching us, I can feel it. It’s cold, unfeeling…but it’s alive.”
-----“He’s right!” Robert affirmed, looking at the bio scanner on his wrist computer. Flashing red lights indicated the presence of an unknown biological signature; he skimmed through the database but found nothing that matched the readings. “It’s unique. Not a deminite, or a hunter-killer, or anything…” With an uneasy gulp he pressed a small button on the wrist computer; a hologram system activated, projecting a small image of a red arrow that pointed to the northeast corner of the room.
-----“That’s where the door is,” Telissa added.
-----“I told you they’d be waiting,” Lex said, circling his right arm around and stretching his legs. “Alright, bring them on.”
-----Robert shook his head rapidly, as if in convulsions, “They? No, just one,”—he nodded towards a small alcove above the door, an extension of bedrock that formed a platform—“up there.”
-----His light slowly crawled up the wall to shed light on a pair of humanoid legs that were casually hanging over the edge of the platform. Startled by the image, Robert rapidly raised the light on the mysterious person; it was a petite, feminine figure who sat on the alcove, watching the group impassively; she was a young human female by all appearances; long violet hair drooped over her shoulders, and her pale eyes shied away from the light that Robert cast against her. Her entire body save for her head was covered in a form-fitting gold and silver armor.
-----All three of their lights were now trained on her. She crossed her arms in front of her face and released a low moan of discomfort. Her legs curled up onto the platform, and she became like a scared animal, shifting back into the corner with her vulnerable eyes protected.
-----“A human?” Tim croaked. His fingers had once again become agitated, ready to grab hold of the sword, but upon seeing his opponent cower upon the alcove he began to relax. “What is she doing down here?”
-----“I don’t buy it!” Michael said. He reached into his jacket pocket and upholstered his pistol. “She’s probably one of them!” He aimed the barrel straight for the cowering female.
-----“Cortelloni, don’t be so presumptuous!” Captain Khazan warned, holding his hand out to obstruct Michael’s clear shot.
-----“He has a good reason to be suspicious,” Tiara declared, stepping to the front of the group. “There’s no reason for a human to be down here, and even if there was, they’d be hunted down and eliminated by the Drekis legions.”
-----“She definitely feels…different from other humans,” Shinsuke said. “Normal people generate warmth—body heat—but she doesn’t. She gives off something else, something unnatural.”
-----“She appears to be harmless enough,” Lara noted, “though that could just be a ruse.”
-----“I say you let me shoot her right here!” Michael shouted. “That’s the safest thing to do.”
-----“I’ll go!” Uberman announced. “I’ll be able to assess a hidden danger; if she turns out to be harmless I’ll bring her back to the rest of you.”
-----“I have capture cables and other methods of containment,” Telissa advised, “It would be best to keep her restrained if you bring her over here. We can’t afford to trust anyone or anything that we meet when we’re this close to Drekis’ lair.”
-----Uberman nodded approvingly. “Very well. You and Robert keep you weapons trained on her while I move in.”
-----The young woman reacted to Uberman’s movements with a hint of eagerness. She sat up and rested her hands on her thighs, no longer bothered by the lights that flashed against her armor.
-----“You seemed to have been waiting for us,” Uberman started as he closed the distance between them. He stopped about ten meters away and looked up at the woman, who just tilted her head and gave him a vague expression. “If you are with Drekis, then I suggest you leave. We have you outnumbered; I’d like to avoid unnecessary conflicts, so I’d appreciate it if you stepped aside.”
-----“Step…as ide?” she replied softly. It was more like she was trying to repeat his words rather than understand them.
-----Uberman was unsure if she even comprehended his language, but her inability to communicate didn’t mean she was harmless. If anything, her silence and child-like mannerism made her more suspicious. The girl certainly didn’t look like any Drekis minion he had seen before, but he knew that there were a few who could pass as humans. The Generals, Jon Avalon and Horror, looked perfectly normal; while they were rare exceptions, there had been many reports from the Xaelon battlefields that had indicated the presence of human-like enemies leading the lesser minions in combat.
-----“What happens from now on is up to you,” Uberman said impatiently. “If you are no threat to us, then come down from there and…I’m sorry, but we’ll have to restrain you until our mission is over. But if you are with Drekis, then there’s no point in trying to hide it. We’re prepared to take you down if you attack or resist. The choice is yours.”
-----“I don’t think she understands anything you’re saying sir,” Raea exclaimed.
-----“She knows, one way or another.” Uberman said.
-----The woman twirled a pair of fingers through her hair for a few moments and then abruptly skidded off of the alcove. Her falling body slowed in mid-air and she drifted towards the ground to make a delicate landing.
-----“She’s empowered!” Robert yelled, pulling the stock of his rifle near his shoulder and staring through the scope. His crosshairs centered on her neck, just above where her armor stopped.
-----“Something in the air was disrupted when she did that!” Tiara warned. “That wasn’t normal flight, I’d watch out if I were you!”
-----Uberman crossed his arms and stared into her eyes; they were soulless, unreflective orbs that carried no sign of life. “What is your name? What do they call you?”
-----The girl covered her breast with her hand as if gesturing to herself, “I…I am Grav—Ig—A.”
-----“Graviga?” Uberman repeated. “Well, that makes it easy to guess what kind of power you wield. Tell me Graviga, do you intend to fight all of us, by yourself?”
-----“So she is going to fight then?” Tim said, gripping the handle of his sword.
-----“That’s pretty much obvious now,” Lex explained, “you keep that sword sealed. We’ll handle her.”
-----Graviga’s hand left her chest and extended out in the form of a handshake.
-----Uberman eyed her gesture skeptically. “Who do you take me for?” He thrust out his arms and fired his concussive blasters. A backlash from the shots flew back and nearly swept the rest of the group aside.
-----The sudden attack had come as a surprise even to the other members of Uberman’s team, but Graviga’s hand intercepted the waves of force; the air around her became distorted and her body became hazy in the eyes of the heroes. The cavern shook as their forces met, and shrill crashes across several positions of the floor indicated that Uberman’s attacks were being diverted to other locations.
-----Graviga was unscathed, or rather, untouched, by his efforts, and the darkstone floor denied them any collateral damage. Her hand, which had still barely moved, pulled back slightly and then flew out like a short punch. Ripples in the air appeared in front of her fingers and flew forward like a growing circle.
-----Pure force smashed into Uberman, and even as he drew his arms up to guard himself he was forced off of his feet by the assault. He could feel the air around him being blasted back; for one transient moment he gasped and found no air to breathe; suddenly he found his airborne body being drawn forward, back into the attack; air flowed back into his mouth, but the attack struck him again, throwing his body into Captain Khazan and toppling both of the heroes to the floor.
-----“Damn it!” Robert uttered as he clutched the trigger and fired. A green disruptor bolt escaped the rifle barrel but stopped halfway. It was sight unlike any that the bounty hunter had seen before; the beam itself stayed in place like a suspended object. Around the shimmering energy were spiraling ripples that swerved in all directions. Before he could fire another shot, the ripples converged and lashed out in one uniform direction—Robert’s direction. The disruptor shot reversed and shot the Seeker in the chest, cracking his power-armor and knocking him down.
-----“Robert!” Telissa shouted, running to his aid. She scanned the area over his chest, finding only damage to the suit. “Looks like the shot didn’t connect with you, but you’re suit’s power is starting to fail.”
-----“Don’t shoot at her…” Robert said hoarsely. “She…”
-----“Don’t talk!” Telissa said quickly, covering his mouth. “The others should be able to handle this…I think.”
-----Shinsuke and Tiara helped Uberman and Captain Khazan to their feet. Graviga was slowly walking towards them with that same hand extended.
-----“Are you alright?” Shinsuke asked Uberman. “It looks like you took two hits back there.”
-----“Nothing I can’t handle,” Uberman replied. He looked down at his forearms and saw several dents in the metal exterior. Interior scans indicated that there was no damage to the concussive blasters. “As I expected, she uses some sort of control over gravity.”
-----“A Quietus-wannabe then…” Lex laughed as the swirling winds engulfed his body. With one leap he fell upon Graviga; a quick swing with his fist nearly connected with her unarmored face, but the girl was no slouch when it came to mobility. She escaped his grasp by mere inches and disappeared; Lex’s Blade-Rune hammered into the darkstone with no effect; his knuckles almost cracked against the nigh-unbreakable material.
-----Lex had only seen the motion of her legs rising, but that was enough to give him a clear idea of where she had moved. “She’s above me!”
-----“Got her!” Shinsuke shouted. He had already seen her fly up into the air and launched an ice beam. Graviga strafed to the side as if walking on air, allowing the beam to pass her by and freeze a small group of stalactites.
-----“That ceiling isn’t made of darkstone!” Uberman said.
-----“So that means that we can bring down some of those stalactites on her!” The Unsubtle announced. She circled her assault rifle around and emptied a special magazine of explosive artillery fire.
-----A series of blasts engulfed the ceiling, but no debris fell. The smoke left behind by the explosions parted, revealing an unimpassioned Graviga who levitated along with a number of loose stalactites above her head.
-----“I don’t like the looks of that,” The Unsubtle declared.
-----Graviga threw out both hands and sent a mixture of stalactites and gravitational waves towards the group. Everyone jumped in different directions while Toc calmly moved back to avoid the raining earth spikes.
-----Tim rolled across the floor and quickly sprang to his feet. Without thinking he drew his sword and let the ethereal glow shine throughout the room. The blue light of the blade immediately drew Graviga’s attention, and before he could move again he was hit with a gravitational wave that cast him aside.
-----His concentration turned to his sword as he tumbled across the darkstone; his fingers tightened around the hilt, unwilling to fumble the weapon. The darkstone below him disappeared, leaving only an abyss for him to plunge into—without realizing it, he had been thrown back into the pit. Still unwilling to part with the sword, he willed one hand to reach out and grab for something, anything. But the floor was too smooth, too flat. There was nothing for him to grasp until he reached the edge. His one free arm took the strain of his entire weight as he rolled into the chasm and snatched the edge. Only four weakening fingers kept him from certain death.
-----“Tim!” Raea yelled in a panic.
-----“Get him out of there!” Captain Khazan said, “I’ll distract Graviga!”
-----Raea dived towards Tim, landing on her stomach and sliding to the edge of the precipice. Both of her hands swiped down and grabbed Tim’s arm. “I’ve got you…” she groaned, pulling him up with all of her strength.
-----Captain Khazan flew towards Graviga while Uberman fired another pair of concussion blasts. The shots were deflected as they had been before, but Captain Khazan used it as a distraction, flying around her gravitation field and flanking her.
-----The Captain was within arms reach when his body began to feel heavy, dense, and encumbered. He attempted a punch, but his arm was too weighty to pass through the air, and before long his entire body dove to the ground like a slab. Even when he hit the surface of the darkstone he could still feel the pressure from Graviga’s attack. The gravitation force around him had been made stronger, and it was getting stronger still. With each passing second he felt his body being pressed into the ground, but the darkstone would not yield; instead, his body began to compress against it.
-----“Release him!” Tiara demanded. With a fling of her wrist she directed a chilling gust towards the Drekis minion. She apparently caught the girl off guard, for Graviga gave no resistance and was carried up into the ceiling by the small whirlwind.
-----“Ouch,” Lexington exclaimed, “smashed into stalactites. Not a pretty way to go.”
-----Graviga pulled herself out of the bedrock, casting aside several chunks of the nexus. Instead of retaliating against Tiara, she pointed her hand towards Raea, who had nearly pulled Tim back onto solid ground.
-----“No!” Tiara shouted, shooting off a larger, colder wind blast. The attack connected again, but came too late. Graviga’s attack escaped her hand just as she was blasted into the ceiling with twice as much force as before. The gravity blast skimmed across the darkstone, traveling too fast for any warning to reach Raea’s ears before it washed over her like a tidal wave.
-----Both of them went flying over the edge; their screams faded into the seemingly bottomless chasm.
-----“Tim…Raea!” Tiara flew up at an angle and dived into the pit with great speed, disappearing before anyone could say anything to her.
-----Graviga descended from a crater in the ceiling, holding her head with one hand. She circled her neck around and held her hand out to look at it; several lines of blood trickled down her palm. She seemed to be preoccupied with the sight of her own blood, though her expression remained pale and disinterested.
----- With an opportunity in front of him, Michael seized her legs from a distance, using his telekinesis to pull her down and hurl her to the floor. Graviga flipped over in mid-fall, but could not avoid a stinging collision onto her stomach. The girl was undeterred, literally scraping herself off of the floor and defying his hold over her.
-----“Damn her…” Cortelloni groaned as he felt his control slipping. The woman was almost to her feet now; blood was sliding down her forehead and slipping over her faded eyes. With a counterattack only moments away, Cortelloni relinquished his grip over her legs and instead centered his telekinesis on her head. With a sneer of unbridled concentration and power, Cortelloni forced her neck to turn, twist, and snap to the side. “Got her,” he said as he relaxed his powers.
-----“Not quite!” Uberman warned. “Captain Khazan is still being held down!”
-----Graviga’s body was stumbling backwards, and her head tumbled loosely from side to side. Even with her neck broken, the gravitation pressure over Captain Khazan continued to increase. Uberman ran to the Captain’s aid, but the gravity began to weigh him down once he entered within five feet of the ailing Sentinel; he was nearly brought down to his knees, but managed to force himself out of the field.
-----“She’s not falling!” Shinsuke yelled. He put both of his arms together and launched a large ice beam, this time intending to freeze Graviga’s entire body. The girl extended her arm to block the beam, turning her fingers towards the ground; the beam suddenly changed directions without warning, dipping down to freeze the surface of the darkstone before reaching its target.
-----Both of Graviga’s arms then reach up and grabbed her tilting, lifeless head; with a few twists she centered her neck, producing excruciating sounds of cracking bone and snapping sinew. Despite the grizzly display, her head seemed perfectly normal.
-----“Unbelievable,” Cortelloni uttered. There was more frustration and contempt in his voice than actual disbelief.
-----Toc Darkone stepped in front of the ex-Marauder and pointed a finger to the ceiling. “Must I do everything here?” A harpoon forged from ice appeared above his finger. With one motion of his finger joints, Toc’s harpoon rocketed to Graviga’s position, drilling into the armor over her chest and breaking through in a matter of seconds. Graviga’s face actually articulated a brief gasp of surprise when the arctic weapon drove through her armor and pierced her flesh; even the armor on the opposite side of the entry point cracked from the force of the attack.
-----Graviga looked down at the icy spear that was protruding from her chest and began to caress it with a sense of awe, of wonder. Blood spilled out from the cracks in her armor, but she didn’t seem to be concerned with the damage; instead, she waved her hand through the air with a scornful cry, releasing two consecutive waves that ripped through the air.
-----Toc was the primary target of her retaliation, but Cortelloni felt the air around him brush away—it became hard to breath, and then one of the rippling waves crashed into his shoulder and swept him aside. Toc took the brunt of the attack, being hit with both of the waves dead on. His body flew back towards the wall, but a gigantic hand of ice formed behind him and caught him in its frozen palm.
-----“Disrespectful welp,” Toc muttered. The giant hand approached the ground and dropped him to his feet. “If something like that won’t kill her, then I’ll just crush her entire body.”
-----Graviga gripped the ice harpoon with two hands and pulled the construct from the cavity in her armor. She casually threw the item aside and turned her attention towards Toc, but Lexington quickly came up behind her and put her in a choke hold with his arms.
-----“Alright, hit her with everything you’ve got!” Lexington yelled. “She regenerates so don’t give her a moment to spare.”
-----A circular wave of force flew out from Graviga’s legs and began to ascend. Lex and the girl were carried up with it, becoming lighter as the gravity around them lessened. Trapped in a weightless condition, Lex uncontrollably soared towards the ceiling of spikes; Graviga shook out of his hold and regained control of her body, spinning around to throw an arm out in his direction.
-----A golden projectile flashed by, tearing through her left arm, armor and all, and segmenting it at the elbow. A look of worry overcame Graviga as she inspected the bloodied stump and watched her arm land on the darkstone. She desperately searched for the threat, and found Lara standing to the side with her tennis racket in hand.
-----Lexington’s weightless ceased; immediately sensing the change, Lex allowed himself to fall towards Graviga and caught her off guard with three swift punches to the face. The Swift Rune allowed him to maintain control of his body as his plunged to the ground with her; as he neared the darkstone floor, he spun his body around and gave Graviga one last kick to the stomach, then flipped over again to land on his feet.
-----Graviga spun around in mid-air as well, landing on her feet but with several wounds over her body. She extended her remaining arm out to attack, but was blasted forward by an attack from behind. She turned her head to see Uberman behind her, pointing his concussive blasters and charging them for one more shot.
-----She countered his second blast, but Shinsuke simultaneously attacked her from the side, freezing her legs over with an ice beam.
-----With the target temporarily immobilized, Toc directed his giant ice fist to attack her; the icy fingers of the construct clenched tightly, forming an immense fist that struck Graviga’s entire body. The ice around her legs shattered and her body was flailed across the floor with such intensity that part of her face broke against the darkstone.
-----The gravitation waves around Captain Khazan vanished, and in an instant the hero was on his feet—he was out of breath but mostly unharmed. “That’s a relief,” he said, stretching his arms out.
-----Cortelloni sat up and wiped a small patch of blood from the side of his mouth. The battlefield had gone silent after Toc’s last attack, but as he gazed at the Marauder leader he could see that Darkone had no intention of letting Graviga recover. A group of jagged ice spires were clouded around Toc’s body, each one of them the size of a tank.
-----Graviga uttered a weak cough with her head pressed against the floor. Her one hand tried to lift her up, but instead she collapsed; without any other alternative, she rolled over on her side and shot herself into a sitting position with a thrust of her shoulder. An eerie crinkling surfaced as her head shifted slightly; the blood around her face reversed its flow, pouring back into the fissures that marred her beautiful countenance. When the last drop of blood had returned, her cuts shrunk and her bruises disappeared in a matter of seconds.
-----“I’ll crush her from all sides,” Toc announced, spreading his arms out. The spires flew out in different directions and converged on Graviga’s location. From different angles they approached, slowly setting into position before making their strike. “We’ll see if she can heal from that!”
-----“Wait!” a worried voice shouted. Shinsuke Yagami skidded in front of Toc, his hands begging for the Marauder leader to yield. “Toc, there’s…”
-----“Enough of your Sentinel compassion!” Toc retorted with a fierce glare, “If I don’t kill her now, even her arm will grow back!”
-----“No, that’s not it…” Shinsuke began, but was cut short by Toc’s action. Darkone closed his hands together in one thunderous clap, forcing the spires around Graviga to dash into her simultaneously.
-----The spires closed in, covering Graviga’s body in a wall of ice, but the impact resulted in an unexpected shockwave; a burst of unknown energy escaped from the collision-point, shattering the spires and sending chunks of ice-rock through the chamber.
-----Uberman and Captain Khazan, who were closest to Graviga, fell back as the energy overtook them. Captain Khazan felt the pulse pass through his body; an unnatural feeling overcame him as it happened, like a swarm of insects crawling over his skin as they flew by.
-----“What is that?” Captain Khazan spat out. The energy shockwave dissipated and the two heroes landed a few meters away. “That wasn’t a gravitational wave.”
-----“I don’t know,” Uberman declared. He watched as innumerable bits of ice sprinkled across the darkstone. Graviga was still in the same place, expressionless and kneeling on the ground without any concern. “I…I don’t even know if she was the one who did that.”
-----Another wave of energy abruptly emerged, but this one didn’t expand; instead, it revolved around Graviga and grew in intensity. The light from the energy blinded the heroes and Marauders for a moment, and in that fleeting instant they saw only a vague shadow pass over them. The energy crackled and disappeared as quickly as it had come; Graviga was gone.
-----“Was she vaporized?” The Unsubtle asked. Still holding her rifle, she observed every corner of the chamber and saw nothing of concern. “I see no enemies around!”
-----“I don’t think she was killed,” Shinsuke replied, “more like she was taken away by something; I felt it when it entered the chamber…it tried to conceal itself, but I felt the most basic indications of its presence.”
-----“That shadow,” Uberman clarified. “And that power didn’t seem to be coming from her.”
-----Shinsuke nodded and gave Toc Darkone a serious look, “That’s what I was trying to warn you about.”
-----“Do you think that I’m blind?” Toc questioned. “I saw more than any of you—it was another person, humanoid like her, who came and took her away. I was merely trying to finish one of them off so that we didn’t have to deal with two pests at once.”
-----“There are two of them!” Lexington exclaimed. “Damn, if I had activated my Sight Rune I might have been able to spot the other one. Well…guess that means they got away for now.” The swirling winds of the Swift Rune died down, and the light of the Blade Rune slowly faded.
-----“For an individual minion,” Captain Khazan noted, “she was rather powerful. Certainly more of a threat than any of the lesser creatures we encountered a few miles back.”
-----“She was no normal minion, I can tell you that much,” Uberman said. “She was more like the Generals that I fought. Still, I wish that we could have avoided that tussle; Drekis is somewhere before us, and now we can’t face him while we’re at our best.”
-----“She was nothing more than a warm up,” Toc stated. “Superior to the Deminites, perhaps, but nothing more than an opening act. Whatever we have suffered are mere scratches.”
-----“Speak for yourself!” Lex retorted, tilting his head towards Robert, who was leaning over Telissa’s shoulder for support.
-----“It’s not as bad as it looks,” Robert said. Several sparks flew out from the hole in his suit, but there was no sign of blood. “The suit took the damage for me—‘guess that’s what it was made to do after all.”
-----“If you’re going to worry about anyone,” Telissa said, helping Robert across the room, “then what about Tim and Raea.”
-----“And Tiara,” Lara added.
-----“I’ll dive into the chasm and look for them,” Captain Khazan announced. “I wouldn’t worry too much. Tiara probably got to them in time, but I’ll go just in case they ran into some trouble. Uberman, if you want you can take the rest of the group into the hive. We can catch up later.”
-----“That’s no good,” Uberman answered. “The worst of it is ahead of us, I need every one of you with me.”
-----“Very well then, I’ll come back with them as quickly as I can.” Captain Khazan launched from the edge of the pit and descended into the abyss.
-----“So we’re just going to wait here then?” The Unsubtle groaned.
-----“If you don’t like it, feel free to go on ahead without us,” Lexington muttered.
-----“Enough…” Uberman said. “We’ll do this together, like we planned. Waiting will give us time to recuperate; in the meantime, we can try to do something about Robert’s power suit.”
-----“Such a waste,” Toc said, “The bounty hunter is just dead weight to us now—you should leave him behind.” He didn’t even bother to look at the Seekers to see if his words had riled them; he immediately turned from the group and walked away, heading for the passage that Graviga had been guarding.
-----“You going on ahead then?” Cortelloni asked.
-----Toc stopped for a moment but kept his back turned to them. “I’ll wait over there, but only because that boy and his precious sword are among those that must be retrieved.” Darkone’s thoughts returned to the moment where Graviga had been spared his wrath, when that darkening pulse of energy had swept over them. He remembered the otherworldly feeling of that energy when it passed through him, the sheer scope of its power. “That energy…” he whispered to himself, “I wonder.”


-----Elwin D’Larthi donned one of her oldest costumes—the original set of clothes that she had worn when she first challenged the Khazan league. That was a long time ago, but nonetheless she was one of the earliest champions of the current age; the costume represented the victory that she attained that year, as well as the heroism that she demonstrated in the following years.
-----It was dawn already; the night had come and gone, and it had been over seven hours since she last heard from Axia regarding the mission that Ubermam was leading. No news had come in since then, which could only mean that they were still down there, in the Endless caves.
-----Unfortunately, Elwin didn’t have time to worry about Uberman’s team. Today was the day that she had resolved to making a speech to the people of Khazan—a speech that would inform the citizens of the situation and put their fears to rest.
-----She gently moved a brush through her hair several times and began to recite the speech in her head. As she went over the words and promises of the address, she found herself unsatisfied with certain passages—she replaced a few words with lines that she believed to be more hopeful, more encouraging, but made sure to maintain the integrity and honesty of the original information.
-----With each recital in her mind she thought about how she would actually say the words. With what level of passion should she announce them with? Should it be matter-of-fact, or was she responsible for rallying the nation with a heroic declaration? The latter seemed to be most agreeable, but she had done the same thing for almost every catastrophe that Khazan had pulled itself through. How many times could she look at her citizens with a straight face and promise their safety when she was doomed to repeat her statements again? One war fell to be replaced with another; one aspiring bringer of the apocalypse was usurped by another.
-----The only thing she knew is that she had to try; she had to believe that she could grant the people of the nexus their security. Even if she couldn’t stop more wars from happening, even if she couldn’t keep the megalomaniacs and crime lords away from Khazan, the people had to come first. Protecting them from whatever threat currently hovered over the nexus—that was the duty of a Sentinel hero.
-----Her thoughts were interrupted by the irregular knocking of her chamber door. A young Sentinel entered the room with Elwin’s permission. “Excuse me Lady D’Larthi…you have a call from a ship in orbit. It’s the GDF.”
-----“I see…” she responded. “Patch it through to my room monitor.” She turned from her mirror and approached the plasma television screen that was perched on the wall across from her bed. She pressed a small green button on the side of the monitor, temporarily cutting off the digital television signal in favor of receiving transmissions.
-----Captain Nora Shire appeared on the monitor; her ship was still in orbit, docked at the Star of Khazan. “Good day to you Mrs. D’Larthi…I am sorry to intrude on your business once again, but I have some urgent matters to discuss with you.”
-----“I’m listening,” Elwin responded.
-----“As you know, our plans have been thrown into hiatus due to the rest of our fleet being MIA. However, we have recently received some unwelcome news from headquarters. It would appear that Drekis has already scurried his minions to the stars; we were given confirmation from several forces that the rest of our fleet was attacked by biological warships—living space creatures used as starships for off-world transportation and combat.”
-----“I assumed that Drekis and his Empire were situated on Khazan; I don’t see how such weapons could leave the planet without being detected.”
-----“Believe me, even the most advanced technology has a hard time detecting their presence. They’re capable of an ethereal cloak, something which our tech has yet to duplicate, or adequately counter for that matter. It would have been easy for Drekis to launch armadas of these beasts into Khazanian space without your knowing.”
-----“This puts us in a much more dire situation than I anticipated,” Elwin sighed. “Where was your fleet attacked?”
-----“It was several light years away, which is disconcerting. If Drekis has extended his reach that far…”
-----“But why? I was under the impression that he was focusing all of his efforts on the Nexus. What does he gain by dividing his forces across entire star systems.”
-----“The GDF has a history of fighting with the Drekis Empire. I’m pretty sure that Drekis doesn’t appreciate our interference, so the ships he released were probably being used as a shield.”
-----“A shield?”
-----Captain Shire folded her hands over her lap. “Yes, a shield, to prevent any Galaxy Defense Force fleets from nearing Khazan. However, it would be safe to assume that some of those creatures are right here, orbiting Khazan…waiting for something.”
-----“Then why has your ship escaped attack?” Elwin asked.
-----“My guess is that once we separated from the rest of the fleet, we were no longer viewed as a major threat. We are just one ship after all, so the Terror beasts probably weren’t very concerned with stopping us.”
-----“This is most unsettling. If these creatures are really in orbit around us, then it is my duty to report the threat to the citizens during my speech.”
-----“Speech?” Shire said. “You are going to address the nation?”
-----“I’m going to address them in Khazan City, though the broadcast of the speech intends to reach the farthest corners of the Nexus. As terrifying as this war is, it is still primarily centered around four State-Kingdoms on the main continent; there is still a lot of information that the citizens of our world do not know about it. Lack of understanding will only lead to fear and panic among our people.”
-----“I understand, but please remember that I am only suggesting it as a precaution. I have no evidence that any enemies are in orbit, but if I were in Drekis’ position, that is what I would do—if for no other reason than to counter the Dollarcorp ships in orbit.”
-----“Dollarcorp ships?”
-----“Yes…there’s an entire fleet of Dollarcorp manufactured ships orbiting…” she paused and whispered something to one of her crew members, then nodded, “the Saedeen Coast Isles.”
-----“I was unaware of this,” Elwin said. The gathering of a Dollarcorp fleet could only mean one thing—but what could Marc Dollar be after? What kind of action could he take during a war against a common enemy? The answers to those questions might be quite horrifying if the Fallen were involved; Dollar had launched joint operations with the Fallen in the past, and they had always been some of the most devastating attacks against the Nexus, whether it be economic or physical. She had heard nothing of the Fallen’s actions aside from the steady movement of their island, but she knew that their damnable cult would not sit idle for long.
-----“We are still committed to the original plan,” Shire continued. “About half of our task force was destroyed, but the Admiral survived and is awaiting reinforcements as we speak. As soon as we get a sizeable armada of our own, we’ll break through their shield and land on Khazan as soon as possible.”
-----“I appreciate the help,” Elwin said, “Though hopefully it will not be necessary.”
-----“Not necessary? I don’t understand.”
-----“I received confirmation from Axia yesterday night that a team of our finest warriors and heroes have infiltrated Drekis’ lair in the Endless Caves. I’m sure they have reached the hive by now, and when they find Drekis, destroying him may end the war.”
-----“I pray that they have the strength to overcome such a foe. Drekis’ feats are the stuff of legends, overblown into tall tales that are so fantastical that we don’t really know what he can and cannot do.”
-----“I know that they will succeed,” Elwin affirmed. “They do have the strength, the will.”
-----Shire slumped in her seat slightly and rested her chin on her hands. “Well, even supposing that your hero team does pose a threat to Drekis…there’s still the possibility that he might pull off another disappearing act—perhaps fly off-world and hide on another planet. That would be unacceptable; we spent an entire decade searching for that monster, and we’ll not lose him again.”
-----“Then what are you suggesting?”
-----“If it’s possible for you to chase Drekis off of Khazan,” Shire began, “then it would be best for the GDF armada to form a filtering fleet upon their arrival.”
-----“A…filter? You intend to create a net to capture him with?”
-----“So to speak. When the armadas arrive, we’ll form a spherical wall around the Nexus to insure that nothing from Drekis escapes Khazanian space.”
-----“A filtering fleet….” Elwin thought to herself for a few moments. The idea of such a fleet was promising, especially if Uberman and the others were successful. Cooperation with the GDF was something that many citizens of the Nexus were tense about due to their reputation for declaring jurisdiction over the worlds they protect—Shire may have promised to exclude Khazan from their jurisdiction rule, but nonetheless it was a better idea to have the GDF’s actions occur primarily off-world. “Very well; it sounds like an excellent idea.”
-----“It’s decided then. I’ll inform my Admiral as well as my superiors at headquarters,” she gave a quick salute, “Good luck to your champions in the caves.” The image cut out, leaving nothing but static on the screen.
-----Elwin switched the monitor back to television signals and then turned the screen off. “Uberman…Captain Khazan—they won’t need luck.”


-----Skye sat on a lone, flat stump of marble just outside of what had once been the borderlines of Raisa. The city was now a wasteland—a contemptible, murky valley of rubble and corpses; the violent waves of the ocean nearby only helped to perpetuate the smell of death that hovered around him; the scent traveled with him, was propelled to his location no matter how far away he moved from the ruins.
-----A cold chill passed over his shoulders; the wind from the north brought with it a new scent—one of death, but different from the bodies that littered the burnt streets of Raisa. His tarnished, white trench coat waved through the air; slightly torn pieces of the cloth rapidly flapped in the wind like a small flag. The wind—the cold chill—was getting stronger.
-----For the first few moments, Skye didn’t feel like turning around to see what he already knew was coming. Inevitably, something took control of his curiosity, that peculiar kind of curiosity that forces people to see something with their own eyes, even if they already know what it is otherwise. He turned his head, raising his chin slightly in order to peek over the waving collar of his coat.
-----As he had surmised, more galleons of the Saramach were approaching the defeated city. With Raisa conquered, the Saramach were free to pour their lot onto the main continent and claim the area as their own; it would become a staging ground, a place for their ships to drop off their fighters—a place for their undead legions to gather.
-----The Saramach had apparently done the same thing before, only in a different legion. Far in the northern areas of Xaelon, they had once landed upon the continent and transformed a sprawling grassland into a dark, twisted deadland known as the wastes. Khazanian legends told of a fierce hero, unequaled in the art of freezing powers, who single handedly froze the wastes. In the process, the Saramach lost their staging ground, and the ancient conflict that they started with the people of Khazan came to a halt soon after.
-----But now they had the Drekis legions as their allies. They could confidently claim their new territories and know that Horror’s army would protect their borders. Of course, Skye was not so naive as to believe that either side really trusted the other. He had been told that there was some history behind the Saramach and Drekis, a relation that might shed some light on Drekis’ reasons for ending his crusade on this particular world. However, Skye knew that such a relation meant nothing; it was all in the past, and not likely to uphold an alliance between such voracious empires.
-----Drekis was most likely using the Saramach as extra numbers, and the Saramach only intended to use Drekis’ war as an excuse to reclaim the power and glory that they once had. When it was all over, they would both backstab each other; that’s how it worked, that was the kind of world that Skye lived in.
-----A shadow was cast over him, and out of the corner of his eyes he spotted the General, Horror. Horror loomed over him, staring into his eyes with a hint of contempt.
-----“You have done very little since the fall of Raisa,” Horror commented. His deep, raging voice rebounded through Skye’s skull, forcing him to shudder from the sound.
-----“I don’t have the will to do anymore,” Skye uttered, staring down at his feet to avoid the cold glare of the General.
-----“How many times have you given me that excuse?” Horror asked. “And yet, in the end, you always end up on the battlefield”—he waved his hand to showcase the ruins of Raisa—“remember, you participated in this.”
-----“It was not by my choice!” Skye shouted defiantly.
-----“Of course it was,” Horror countered. “You made a choice a long time ago. And no matter what happened in the years afterward, you can’t move away from that decision. You made a promise to us, to me, to him! A promise that you would see this through to the end.”
-----“When I made that decision, I saw things differently. I believed that there was nothing left that was good in the universe, and I wanted desperately to make things different. Drekis’ goals seemed to promise everything that I had ever wanted, so that is why I followed him; I knew that I would have to do things, questionable—no—horrible things. But I believed that it was worth it…”
-----“Because it was for a better world,” Horror said. “A world free of the pain that people like you and I suffered. It was an alternative to the path of the void, one that did not promise freedom in nothingness, but in Chaos. You had passion back then Skye…you had the strength to do what was necessary.”
-----“Now I do not know. I have killed—I killed so many people. Ravaged worlds, massacred innocents. How much have I done and seen in the last few centuries? I’ve lost track of it all…can’t even remember the faces of the ones I slaughtered with my own two hands—they all blend together now, one putrid, horrified face, one screaming voice, all shouting in my nightmares.”
-----“You are becoming weak Skye, that is all. You knew what had to be done for our ideal universe to exist, and yet now you falter when we are so close to completing it!”
-----“I don’t know if it was worth fighting for! This universe we want…I can no longer believe that it is worth this…genocide! I’m tired of killing, of death. I’m losing myself in this war Horror—I don’t know if you can understand…”
-----“I understand more than you. All that has happened, is that you have become lost in this crusade. It has taken centuries to complete, and the time has taken its toll on your mind. What you have forgotten along the way, and what you must remember, is the pain that you went through that day. Do you remember what happened Skye, do you remember why it happened, why the ones you loved had to die!?”
-----Skye gripped his pants and clenched them tightly. He knew what would happen next.
-----“Do you want me to remind you?” Horror offered.
-----“No!” Skye pleaded, closing his eyes. “I remember…I remember it all…I…just want to, move past it…I,”
-----“What good will moving past it do?” Horror asked. “You run away from it, and the problem just persists. You aren’t just doing yourself a favor Skye…the entire multiverse will benefit from our actions. You must have the strength to do this for a little while longer—and if you do not, then you know that I will have to kill you.”
-----“I know that,” Skye spat out. “I…I still wish to see Drekis complete his mission. Please understand that, I simply have fears…doubts. What Drekis could do, what he could become…it scares me. I committed myself to something that so large, so grand that it was clearly beyond me, and now I don’t even know if what I’m doing is right anymore. I don’t know if I’ll be able to live with myself in the new world with all of the blood that is on my hands. But I…I’ll see it through, to whatever end.”
-----“Good!” Horror said. “And you will fight when you’re needed, even if you don’t like it. Your commitment to Drekis cannot be broken.” He turned his attention away from Skye to look upon the dark galleons that were docking at the Raisa shoreline. “It would appear that the Saramach have arrived in full force. Perhaps this time they will bring their leaders to meet with us.”
-----Marching footsteps sounded off in the background; an entire army of deminites moved towards the ruins of Raisa. At the front of their legion stood Sinril, the disciple of Horror. There was a wicked smile on that man’s face which Skye recognized—he knew exactly what he had done, and that he had enjoyed it.
-----“There,” Horror said, turning to greet his returning army. “There you see what I expect of an advocate like you Skye. Sinril is not afraid to do what is necessary.”
-----That was because Sinril gained a sense of pleasure from destruction, from murder. He ignored Horror’s comment and changed the subject. “What about Maria Halesinger? Do we know anything about her whereabouts.”
-----“Halesinger?” Horror said, still facing Sinril’s approaching army. “She is under the command of Avalon. She is not my concern.”
-----“I merely asked if you knew anything…”
-----“She is behind enemy lines somewhere,” Horror answered. “She will be a spy for us, lurking in the heart of the enemy’s society. But where she is and what she is doing, that is only for Avalon to know.”
-----“I see…”
-----The frontline of the deminite army halted, and only Sinril continued his trek towards Horror’s location. Upon arrival, he kneeled and crossed his arm. “Lord Horror, I have returned.” He was a tall, muscular humanoid with sharp teeth and a green glow in his eyes. He had dark skin with various tattoos adorning his body, the likes of which included a small, wyrm-like dragon that was tattooed over his slightly enlarged left eye. As usual, he was adorned in a dark green shirt that matched his disordered hair as well as silver shoulder plates and black pants; a red cape was tied around his neck almost like a scarf, with the better half of its mass draped over his right shoulder.
-----“What do you have to tell me Sinrel?” Horror replied.
-----“As you wished, we took the city of Zaira my lord.” He stood to his full height and showcased his proud smile again. “The enemy is too busy fighting in Xaelon to offer much of a resistance over here; Zaira fell easily enough, though a large percentage of their population fled to Morisato City. We pursued them, but found Morisato City’s defenses to be more troublesome. A Khazan army had already landed there to defend the city, but I doubt that they’ll pursue us here.”
-----“Very well. We shall wait for the Saramach to gather their forces here. When they are done, we will storm into Morisato City as one legion.”
-----“Please allow me to lead the siege against them my lord.” Sinril said, bowing his head a little.
-----“No, you shall not do this alone. Morisato City is the capital of this State-Kingdom, and the military will not let that city fall without a fight. For this fight…”—he turned his head and gave Skye a knowing smile—“you two will work together.”

In the Dark

-----Pain gripped Tim’s spine and slithered up his neck as he awoke in darkness. The right side of his face was buried in the cold, rocky ground—he lifted his head up to gently wipe at the cuts that adorned his cheek, but the chamber was so dark that he could barely see the blood dripping down his fingers.
-----A familiar arm gripped his shoulders and shook his body. The motion made him feel sick.
-----“Tim! C’mon Tim, wake up!” Raea said worriedly. Her voice was cracking, like she had been saying the same thing over and over again for hours already.
-----“I’m awake,” Tim forced the words out and placed his hand over hers. Raea helped Tim to his feet, but pain strolled down his spine once more and her bent over in agony. “Damn it! My back…”
-----“You’re hurt?” Raea said, inspecting him with her arm light; Tim cringed as the brightness struck his pupils. “I’d be surprised if you were hurt. I was the one whose back took the brunt of the attack, and it didn’t look like you suffered much of a fall.”
-----“Not much of a fall?” Tim questioned. “I woke up with half my face in the dirt—but…how far did I…”
-----“Not far at all,” Tiara chipped in. The disciple of the Powers that Be slowly descended next to him; a small gust escaped from her feet as she landed. “The pit itself was a good twenty stories at least; I managed to get to Raea about mid-way, but before I could get to you your sword went crazy.”
-----“My sword?” Tim exclaimed. He looked down and suddenly realized that he had been clutching the weapon in his other hand; he had held onto it throughout the fall and while unconscious.
-----“It started to glow again,” Tiara explained, “And before I knew what was going on, the light enshrouded you and your body began slow down. You never really fell from that point on; it was more like some invisible person picked you up and gently placed you on the floor when you got there.”
-----Tim looked at the sword in amazement. The blue glow had faded, but the blade itself was just as polished as ever. “Is that so. How long was I out.”
-----“It’s only been a minute or so since you two fell,” Tiara informed him. “I don’t even know why you blanked out in the first place.”
-----“The battle with that girl!” Tim suddenly remembered.
-----“I’ve felt a few quakes that were probably from the battle,” Tiara said, looking up into the chasm that they had fallen through. “I think its winding down, but I don’t know what the outcome will be.”
-----“We need to get back to the others,” Raea suggested. She checked her system diagnostics and ran a check on the booster system for her power suit. “Looks like the boosters are still functioning. I should be able to ride the twelve stories on my own—Tiara, you can take Tim back up.”
-----“Alright…” Tim began to sheath his sword, but before the tip of the blade reached the holster it began to glow again. It was a light blue pulse that caressed the metal—the same kind of warning light that he had seen when the hunter-killers attacked him in Khazan City, and when the phantom sorcerer had appeared to attack the group earlier. “Wait, something’s here.”
-----A sudden patter echoed through the shadowy chamber; Raea quickly sprayed her light in the direction of the disturbance to see a sprinkle of pebbles falling onto the cavern floor. A barely visible cloud of dust sprinkled downward, but all she could see was a plain wall of bedrock. “I don’t…” but then there was movement. Or at least, she thought she saw movement. It was as if a small portion of the wall began to slither, began to uncurl and sway.
-----The apparition emerged from the shadows, extending its snake like body from the cavern wall. The eyeless beast opened its mouth, revealing two sets of jagged mandibles that stretched towards the trio; a thick slime dripped from the extending claws, and the monster’s scaly body continued to slither out, chasing its intended victims as they moved away from it.
-----“That thing is…” Raea started.
-----“One of those monsters that spawns the spider-things,” Tiara finished.
-----The Arachnis Queen launched itself forward like a cobra; a sharp assortment of fangs clamped down while the mandibles reached out like claws, intending to seize and pull its prey into its jaws.
-----The strike was unperceivable to Raea and Tiara, but Tim saw its primal attack in slow motion. With both hands gripping the hilt of his sword, Tim swung the weapon like a bat, slicing the lower mandibles off with one attack.
-----The Arachnis Queen instinctively pulled back and swayed its head from side to side, screaming in pain. It drew its head into the air, revealing its crested belly to the group. Tim saw a multitude of spider-like legs along the side of its long body, as well as a series of bulges which appeared around its underside. The bulges broke open right after Tim them, spewing forth a tiny swarm of arachnis creatures.
-----The tireless legs of the arachnis carred them over the cavern floor with great speed, and they moved with such a unified motion that they looked like one massive puddle strolling towards them.
-----“Tim, get back!” Raea shouted, moving in front of him. The concealed laser gun in her suit’s right forearm revealed itself and began blasting immediately. A continuous stream of individual laser fire lit up the caves—the stream of small arachnis creatures split into two groups as soon as the first of their numbers was scorched by the beams. Raea alternated between the two swarms, killing anything in front of her that moved.
-----A few of the arachnis stopped their advance and spat tiny projectiles at the young Sentinel. Their miniature harpoons stuck into Raea’s power armor; she gasped at the unexpected maneuver and covered her face with her arms to block additional needles from hitting her unprotected areas. Fortunately, the venomous tips failed to reach the surface of her skin.
-----The arachnis used her moment of defense to close in, but a winter wind swept over them and blasted them away. Tiara moved to the front of the group, whisking her arms out and increasing the power of her storm. The gusts she summoned hit the arachnis with enough force to rupture their minuscule frames.
-----The queen seemed unmoved by the death of her children. The creature sneered at apprentice Power and slowly, cautiously closed in. Tiara summoned a furious, freezing wind around her body, creating a shield of force; the queen wasn’t frightened by the display, but instead approached even closer and inspected her defenses with curiosity. Its mouth gradually opened, revealing its two remaining mandibles.
-----“Come and attack me…” Tiara whispered. “…when you do, Neva and I will cut you down.”
-----The monster reared back as if to prepare for a strike, but before its dripping jaws could lash out a heavy object fell from above, crushing the arachnis queen’s head under its weight; the monsters head was forced into the ground and a brief tremor rocked the area.
-----The dust fell, and a large, muscular man stood up from the corpse of the arachnis queen. It had been him that had fallen upon the creature and struck it down. Captain Khazan strolled into Raea’s light and brushed the dust away from his costume.
-----“Captain!” Raea called out, “You’re all right!”
-----“I’m all right?” Captain Khazan replied. “I’m the one who was worried about you! In any case it looks like all of you are unharmed—I’m relieved.”
-----The light of Tim’s sword faded, and finally he managed to sheath the weapon. “So the battle above is over then?”
-----“Of course it is,” Captain Khazan said with a smile. “You didn’t think that a group such as ours would fail to bring down a single opponent like that, did you? The battle was won, though the girl escaped with some help from an unseen enemy. I came down to get you, and arrived just in time I see. We need to get moving though—sorry to be in a rush after your fall and everything, but we’ve lost a lot of time in this room. We’ll rejoin with the others and head for the hive immediately.”

Exploding Field

-----Vincentzo nearly tore through the door to the palace wall; in a hurry he pushed his way through a mass of armed guards and walked up the stone steps to the highest walkways of the walls. The palace of Arael, which Maiinverno had had constructed in his honor, was the center of Araelis’ new government. It was from this royal compound that Vincentzo wished to rightfully take his place on an authentic throne—to simply be the leader of Araelis was not enough, he was born to be a true king, a leader among leaders, and that is what he would be.
-----The palace easily catered to Vincentzo’s tastes. It was crafted with golden edges, platinum-trimmed windows, interior fountains, oversized redwood doors, and lavish furniture that had no purpose other than to look refined; giant, exaggerated statues of Maiinverno stood at each corner of the castle, running alongside the primary towers. The enormous palace was not necessarily the largest building in Arael, but it appeared to be; the castle was constructed on a tall hill within the city that placed the highest towers of the palace above the tallest buildings of Arael. Of course, while Arael was the largest city in Araelis, it was comparatively small compared to other cities on Khazan. After all, Araelis was a relatively new State-Kingdom that had been united under Maiinverno’s flag, and his only concern was that his castle was the most magnificent thing about the capital.
-----From the walkways that traveled along the top of the castle walls, Maiinverno looked towards the north and shaded his eyes from the burning sun. The smell of decay traveled with the tense winds that flowed from that direction. In the distance he could see the Drekis army approaching; an entire legion of horrific creatures bobbed up and down impatiently as they marched toward their target, their bodies enshrouded in a sparkling red glow that the sun cast upon them.
-----As usual, the army swarmed over the horizon and moved as one large mass, as if the surface of the nexus was steadily advancing towards Arael. The frontline of the army was already close enough that he could see their leader, Aigonis Zekruel, who unabashedly led his forces. Aigonis and his minions were only around ten minutes away from reaching the border of Arael if they began to pick up their pace, but that is what Vincentzo was counting on.
-----Tanin flew down from one of the towers and slowly levitated next to the sorcerer. “Well, they’ve finally arrived. And Aigonis is there as well…I guess we’ll get to finish what we started back in the canyon.”
-----Vincentzo let out a confident laugh just to showcase his pride, “Just as I deducted. They’d send their full force as one group to attack from the North. Well, when they attack they’ll be in for quite the surprise. These Drekis fools have no idea what kind of brilliant tactician they’re up against.”
-----“Considering that they’ve been sweeping through cities from north to south so far,” Tanin pointed out, “it seems only natural that they’d attack from the north. Although, that has me worried. I haven’t seen any sign of the aerial minions; the skies are clear.”
-----“Obviously they’ve seen the brilliance of my defenses,” Vincentzo explained, “I’ve concentrated all of the airships, fighters, and mechs that we have in the air around the city.” He looked to the sky with a haughty expression and let out a happy sigh as he saw the looming airships soaring overhead. A group of mecha and an escort of speeding fighter craft zoomed by the palace. “Any attempt to attack the city by air would be futile, so their only choice is to attack from there.”
-----The northern border of Arael was defended by a sparse army that was made up mostly of the Arael National Guard. A number of mobile police MARS units that had retreated from RiverWatch had joined up with the guards, forming a small but powerful frontline. This defense group formed a tight, physical wall across the northern border, but their numbers were dwarfed by the Drekis legions. It was, however, Maiinverno’s intent that the Drekis minions see this disadvantage and try to capitalize on it. Much larger forces of Khazan military units were gathered at the western and eastern borders of the city, all of whom were led by teams of heroes and sentinels that had pledged themselves to the protection of Arael.
-----With the northern defense group appearing comparatively weak, the Drekis forces were bound to attack the north border, but Vincentzo had set them up to walk into a trap that he deemed to be quite clever. Just one mile away from the northern defense force, and not too far from where the Drekis legions were now, Vincentzo had set up a mine field. A mixture of incendiary, concussion, plasma, and radiation mines filled the open meadow in front of Arael, and despite the sheer size of the army, the field covered enough distance to effectively engulf their entire frontline.
-----Vincentzo expected the Drekis minions to tenaciously pursue their targets in spite of the damage that the mines would inflict; after all, that tenacity had been one of the key reasons for the Drekis’ Empires victories in the war so far; it was something that Maiinverno could count on. The army would continue to drive through the mine field, continuously losing more and more of its demonic soldiers—of course, in the end there would be many of their kind remaining, but by the time they broke through the mine field the western and eastern defense groups would have joined with the north, and victory would be at hand.
-----“They’ll fall straight into my trap,” Vincentzo said with an eager smile. “I can’t wait to see the look on that Aigonis fellow’s face when half of his army goes up in smoke before the combat even starts! Ha, this mine field really was a most genius idea of mine.”
-----“Do you really think that those KOMBG mines will be enough to take down half of that?” Tanin asked, pointing to the black mass of minions that moved in from the horizon. “Not that I doubt the efficiency of KOMBG products mind you.”
-----“Of course they will. I had over four thousand mines placed into that field—a bit drastic maybe, or even theatrical, but necessary. There’s enough explosive power in that field to lay waste to Balthius.”
-----The Drekis legions stopped their advance and stood in place. Only Aigonis moved forward slightly, holding his head up and sniffing the air. With one motion he thrust the end of the Starblade, which was in the form of a halberd, into the ground, and crossed his arms.
-----“What are they doing?” Vincentzo exclaimed. “They’re supposed to be walking into the mine field.”
-----“Looks like things aren’t going according to plan,” Tanin said as he surveyed the situation. “Maybe they know about the mines.”
-----“Impossible! We’ve never seen any indication that they have the technology to detect mines underground.”
-----“Just because we’ve never seen the enemy with the tech or the ability doesn’t mean they don’t have it.”
-----“Yes, yes, don’t lecture me on tactics.”
-----“You do have a plan ready in case they avoid the mine field right?” Tanin asked.
-----Vincentzo huffed and closed his eyes as if insulted, “Your worries are misplaced. The field’s over two miles wide; if they knew about it they’d have to move around to one side or the other. By the time they do that, the eastern or western groups can move in to counter them. It won’t be the slaughter I envisioned, but the people of Arael will get through this. I am their leader after all.”
-----Tanin watched as two new figures emerged from the horde. The Avatar of Light had never seen these two before, and they were far more human-looking than any of the other creatures in the army. The first was a petite young girl, no more than five feet tall, with delicate skin and wiry black hair. She was provocatively dressed in thin black silk; the top half was wrapped around her chest, while the bottom was loosely adorned around her waste and dropped down like a skirt. On all accounts she was human in appearance, but there was something ghostly in her eyes; the irises were bright red, and although her skin had a natural tanned complexion, the area around her eyes seemed to be perpetually shadowed.
-----The second was an enormous man, at least seven feet tall, and bursting with muscles. There was nothing unnatural about him save for the fact that his build was monstrous; the man wore only dark black pants, and his bare chest was covered in scars.
-----“It looks like Aigonis brought some friends with him this time.” Tanin observed.
-----“He can bring all the friends he likes,” Vincentzo uttered. “He still won’t survive this. I trust that you can still take him out.”
-----“Aigonis? Well sure, although I hadn’t counted on fighting his two body guards along with him. It shouldn’t be much of a problem, though I’d like to see what those two are capable of before I go in swinging my sword.”
-----The tall man stayed in place, while the dark haired girl moved forward to the head of the army. Aigonis watched her with an ugly grin.
-----“Just a little further…” Vincentzo whispered. “Just ten more meters or so and she’ll be blown to kingdom come.”
-----The deminites that stood behind Aigonis stretched their bodies out and reached into the air with hand and talon. A fierce, unanimous roar swept over the field as the creatures repeated some indiscernible noise. With each repetitious beat of their cries the deminites threw their hands into the air.
-----“Just what the hell do they think they’re doing!?” Vincentzo shouted impatiently. “I wanted to see them get blown to Tartarus in the flames of my glory, not bear witness to some ill manner of song.”
-----Tanin leaned against the foundation of the palace walls and took a closer look at the action. “I’d say that they’re uttering some sort of battle cry.”
-----“A battle cry? Absurd! And just where is this battle of theirs? Not over here, that’s for sure.”
-----“Not that kind of battle cry,” Tanin explained, “It’s more like they’re cheering for her.”
-----“Her? The girl in front who’s dressed like a freakish pop star!? And just what has she done.”
-----The girl reached behind her back and pulled out a large sword. Tanin stared intently at the broad blade, which was even taller than the girl herself. Exactly how she hid a weapon that size behind her was anyone’s guess. She held the blade close to her darkened face and licked the blade playfully; her expression became serious, murderous; her arm drew back as far as it could, pointing the tip of the weapon behind her; the muscles in her arm were visibly flexing as she shifted her body weight.
-----Tanin frowned as he saw the girl throw her shoulder forward. “Not what she’s done…what’s she’s about to do.”
-----The girl completed her motion, swinging the sword to the other side with furious power. A visible wave of energy and a ripple of pressure were discharged from the movement of the blade. The entire center of the field was crushed by attack; like a strong wind it swayed over the ground, spreading out farther and farther. The mines were detonated immediately, sending bright flashes throughout the meadow. One mine explosion caused two more to go, two explosions caused five, five ignited ten more—over two hundred of the mines were hit by the blast that the girl had released, creating a giant chain reaction of explosions that ripped through the field.
-----The different colored flashes of light blinded Vincentzo momentarily. He squinted through the fiery display to gaze in disbelief at the disaster before him. Explosions continued to spread out to the left and right, leaving an entire land of deep craters in their wake.
-----“They have safe passage to the northern border now.” Tanin said. He drew Chrysillium and jumped on the edge of the wall. “I’m going down to the front. You better prepare for battle.” He floated off of the palace wall and went to join with the defense forces below.
-----“Damn the insolence of these Drekis buffoons,” Vincentzo growled. He violently turned to one of his captains, who seemed dumbfounded by the series of explosions. “You! Order the long range batteries to start firing immediately! Contact POWAAA-MAN’s western defense group and tell them to start moving for the northern border right now! Have the eastern group move around and try to flank the enemy when they advance!”
-----The smoke from the detonated mine field began to clear, and Aigonis Zekruel’s howling army charged forward without hesitation.


-----Maria Halesinger walked though the crowded streets of Khazan City. The Uptown district was the busiest area that she had visisted, though she was sure that Elwin’s impending speech was making the throng even worse.
-----Thousands of people gathered at Khazan downtown square, a large gathering area with pearl-white tile floors and a massive stage at its center. The downtown square was surrounded on all sides by the magnificent skyscrapers of the city, but within the square itself there was only one small office building, shaped vaguely like a horseshoe, that wrapped around the stage. Outside of the tile area that surrounded the stage were delicately arranged patches of grass and planted trees.
-----She moved to the front of the group that faced the stage, but made sure to stay at least a few rows back before she made her move. Maria gazed at the podium that was centered at the front of the stage, but Elwin wasn’t there yet. She stood in place, intending to wait, but her patience was being tested by frantic Khazanians who pushed and shoved in order to get a better view.
-----All of this for one woman’s speech? Are they so desperate for information that they’d act so foolish? She thought to herself.
-----Cheers rang up from the crowd, and countless hands raised up as Elwin D’Larthi took the stage. The woman was accompanied by two men, Sentinels most likely, who took their place at her side while she stepped up to the podium. A theater-sized screen that protruded from the roof of the office building activated with a zing, displaying a crisp image of the Vice-President that everyone in the square could see.
-----Maria quickly analyzed the two Sentinels at Elwin’s side. The one to her right was a well-built man dressed from neck to toe in some kind of red tights; an unknown symbol decorated his chest. The one to Elwin’s left was a shorter, stockier man with dark hair and a short beard; he wore a bright green robe with long sleeves that sheltered his hands.
-----A few more people crowded in front of Maria as the speech began. She quickly looked for any possible threats to her operation, but found only armed guards who patrolled the sides of the stage. They were of no concern to her. More people crowded in front of her; she could barely see now, but they could barely see her.
-----Elwin’s strong voice brought silence among her people; everyone listened intently as her words were carried over downtown Khazan by a networked system of speakers and microphones.
-----“Citizens of Khazan…” she began.
-----More people shuffled their way in front of Maria. With her entire body hidden behind a wall of Khazanians, Maria slowly moved her left hand out, and a gleaming sword materialized in her grip.


-----The Fallen Tower began to shake; there was an imbalance, a force that was ever so slightly disrupting the flow of magic that kept the Fallen Island in the air. Devyn Soyokaze calmly walked towards an interdimensional window, an anomaly that allowed those in the interiors of the Tower to look upon the outside world while denying those that were outside from looking in. The clouds above the Fallen Island were dark; a furious storm was about to begin.
-----“There is a presence,” Zalrafel said, not bothering to look through the windows. He could sense their imminent arrival…could feel the power of chaos pushing against the power of the void. “The time has come.”
-----“Do you think he is with them?” Devyn asked curiously.
-----“We shall see,” Zalrafel said as he walked towards a large circle of glowing lights. The illuminated area was a magical teleportation device, a quick means of exiting the tower when one was in the higher levels. “Drekis would be a fool not to come…and the presence of chaos is strong.”
-----“You’re going then?” Devyn said with a smile.
-----“As I said, I wish to fight Drekis myself.”
-----“As I recall, Kaas will try his hand at the chaos Avatar first. He’s already at the base of the tower with a small army of our people. Dollarcorp’s new war machines are spread out through the island, and the Tower’s defenses are set to maximum output. It should be an amusing show to watch.”
-----“I am not satisfied with watching Devyn,” Zalrafel replied. “Not this time. I’ll fight outside with the rest of the Fallen.”
-----Devyn moved one of his hands in front of his face and seemed to study his fingers; he clenched them into a tight fist and smiled as their ambitious enemies finally revealed themselves.
-----Dozens of large, irregularly shaped creatures appeared in the sky, de-cloaking in large groups.
-----“There they are,” Devyn said. “Quite an impressive sight. We’ll see just how powerful they really are.”
-----Zalrafel stepped onto the circle. A multitude of lights shot up around him. “Are you coming as well?” he asked.
-----“I am,” Devyn replied. “It’s been a while since I fought personally—and perhaps these Drekis minions will actually put up a good fight.” He turned from the window and stepped onto the circular transporter. The light engulfed the two Fallen; their bodies became one with the radiance, and with a jolt of power they disappeared.

-----The terror beasts advanced on the Fallen Island; they descended as soon as they reached the edge of the floating land, ready to release their compliment of deminites and other minions.
-----Drekis watched from the lead terror beast as gun turrets along the rim of the island shot at the biological warships.
-----Relinqiest smiled as the enemy weapons bounced off of their creature’s shields. “The defeat of the Fallen will be one of our greatest victories on this world.”
-----“We have yet to encounter the worst of their weapons,” Attragon warned. “This will be the hardest battle that your forces have ever fought.”
-----“That is why I am here,” Drekis boomed. “The greatest powers of the Fallen are gathered here. Devyn Soyokaze, Zalrafel, Marc Dollar…it is I who will bring these feared tyrants of Khazan to their knees.”
-----“And what of the heroes that infiltrated the caves?” Attragon asked. “It’s been hours since their attack; by now they could be in the hives.”
-----“I shall take care of them as well.” Drekis hissed.
-----Attragon turned to the chaos lord in disbelief. “What?”


War of Drekis
Chapter 18